This poor schlub was passed out cold on the cement platform of the PATH Train Station at the World Trade Center this morning at 4:00 a.m. The police had to wake him up. The cop on the left used the stick in his right hand to tap on the ground to wake up Paulie Passed-Out. Tap, tap, tap -- hello? -- tap, tap, tap. Then they escorted him to the train station's exit. Before the police arrived I was going to take a picture of him facedown on the ground -- but that just seemed too rude. I hope whatever he did last night he had fun doing it.
And what was I doing at the station at 4 in the morning? That's what time I caught the train to get to the Newark Airport in time for my 6:30 a.m. flight home. Now I'm going to go home and pass out. No photos, please.

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