Monday, January 10, 2005

I'm Not Your Buddha

Yes, the one performer is walking on the heads of the other performers while keeping her plates spinning.

I went to see the Chinese Acrobats at the Shanghai Grand Theater tonight. It was an interesting show. Very talented performers. Very low production values. My hotel concierge scored me a ticket for Row 1, Seat 1 (on the center aisle). I had an amazing view for every feat. But I also could see every tatter and tear on the costumes. But a memorable evening, nonetheless.

During the day I visited the Yu Yuan Garden -- considered Shanghai's most lovely garden. It was quite something to see. And the hundreds of us crammed in there all got to see it together.

What a difference a day makes! I thought the streets of Shanghai were busy on Saturday and Sunday. Well, Monday brought an explosion of people, cars, motorcyles, scooters, bikes and pedestrians to the streets. It's quite an adventure crossing the street. No such thing as pedestrian right of way. My strategy became to find a group of people and cross with them. At least I'm not going down alone.

And what's this with strangers rubbing my stomach while I'm walking down the street? It happened three different times. Everywhere you go folks are handing out little advertisement cards. They come up real close to you to get you to take it. And a few times while they were trying to give me their ad, they took the opportunity to rub my belly. I could tell from the smile on their faces they thought it was the nicest thing in the world they could do. Well, I'm not your good luck charm walking down the street! Where are the Personal Space Police when you need them?

Tomorrow it's off to Budapest via Vienna.

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