Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Surprise Visit

Went to the Egyptian Theater on Hollywood Boulevard tonight for a screening of "My Brother...Nikhil," and AIDS drama from India.

Set in the town of Goa, it looks at the ostracization of a family when they (and the entire town) suddenly find out their son has HIV.

Set in the late 80s, it shows how irrationally people with AIDS were (are?) treated in second and third-world countries. Not that our country was (is?) such a role model on the issue.

Earlier today I had quite a pleasant surprise when Janet Reilly,, stopped by my office to say hello. Janet and I worked together on a campaign way back in 1992. (My memory is it was her first campaign.) And now she's a leading candidate for the State Assembly -- running for the seat Assemblymember Leland Yee is leaving in San Francisco. Janet was in LA for a meeting and stopped by to say hello. I love it when former Regional Field Directors I've worked with say "howdy."
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