Had a very vacation-like day today and took it easy. Slept in, went to visit a local museum that it turns out is closed this week, walked along the beach, had lunch, etc.
I even cracked open a book -- something I rarely do.
Please note: I read A LOT. I monitor over 75 blogs -- you can "monitor" my blog by using the Bloglines Button to the left. I read three newspapers daily and over 50 magazines a month. (Is this coming off defensive?) I just don't often make time for books.
But I brought a biography of Truman Capote by Gerald Clarke with me and started reading it today. GeezBob lent me this book so long ago he had to remind me recently that he'd lent it to me when I told him I found it on my shelf after seeing the movie "Capote."
I'm really enjoying it -- only 493 pages to go. (Maybe that's why I don't read books -- what a commitment!)
Tomorrow it's back to Barcelona for the weekend.

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