Saturday, May 05, 2007

That's What You Call It

"It's been a wild year. My house burned down! Did you see that on TV?"

Made the drive tonight to La Mirada to see Suzanne Somers' one-woman show at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts.

She was less than 60 seconds into her show before she brought up her Malibu home burning to the ground.

This is when she began comparing her life to a "schmoo" -- that childhood toy like a boxing bag with sand at the bottom and a clown face. No matter how hard you hit it it always snaps back up -- just like Suzanne Somers.

In between songs she talked about growing up in San Bruno, singing at Club Bossa Nova as a teenager, her big breakthrough in "American Graffiti," getting fired from "Three's Company," becoming an author, beating cancer, QVC, her attempt at a Broadway show and falling in love with Alan Hamel 39 years ago.

She even danced a little. She pointed out while she may not be such a great dancer she sure can walk great. Her legs are still tremendous -- but the highlight was when she put her hair up in "Chrissy Snow" pigtails. All that was missing was Mr. Farley snooping through the window.

1 comment:

Anomdenet said...

How much more publicity can she possibly milk out of that Malibu fire? She's setting a record for hitting the talk shows with her found wedding ring in one hand and hawking her most recent book in the other.

Every time I see her it's like MeMeMe, I'm so special! Elect me Queen of the Narcissists!