Spent some time this afternoon at my hotel's hammam (behind the green door) -- which basically is a cross between a sauna and a steambath, in other words a very hot room with water.
In the hammam an attendant scrubs your body; first with soap, then with a loofah sponge and finally with something that had the consistency of rock salt. Between each "round" he splashes cooler water on you.
I can't say this was really a pleasant experience. The hammam's heat comes through the floor and I was laying on said floor on top of thin rubber mats. Between each treatment the attendant left me alone to stew in my own juices for what seemed like forever (5 minutes).
Each time I had to turn over I just felt like an overdone pot roast in need of another basting.
However, once it was over and I stopped sweating (1 hour) I did feel great and undoubtedly sparkled from being so clean.

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