Saturday, November 20, 2004

What Did She Say?

Spent all day yesterday at the Los Angeles County Criminal Courts Building -- for a good reason: Jury Duty. I'm so happy Los Angeles County has finally adopted the One Day/One Trial system of Jury Duty. I spent all day sitting in the Jury Assembly Room without being put on a panel -- but in one day I met my Jury Duty responsibilities.

And of course the people-watching opportunities were great. Most notable was the young woman who sat next to me talking on her cellphone during one set of "complicated" instructions from our supervisor. When the announcement was over the young woman asked me, "What did she say?" I suggested she go to the counter and find out for herself because they said a lot. This prompted another phone call to her boyfriend, when she got back, about how rude they were at the counter when she asked them to repeat what they had just said.

My guess is she was also talking through the announcement at the beginning of the day about not using your cellphone in the Jury Assembly Room.

The best part about being downtown was I got to have lunch at one of my favorite places, Phillipe, for a french dip sandwich. They are one of two downtown restaurants that claim to have invented the french dip.

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