Thursday, June 14, 2007

Prosecuted or Persecuted?

Spent tonight at home watching an old movie, Alfred Hitchcock's 1943 film "Shadow of a Doubt."

I know TiVo recorded it for me on November 17 -- but I don't know if that's 2006 or 2005! I have a bunch of old movies on TiVo just waiting to be watched.

This film, starring Teresa Wright and Joseph Cotten, is about a woman who suspects her Uncle -- who recently returned to his family -- is actually the Merry Widow Murderer.

It's set in Santa Rosa and it's great fun to see the scenes shot there. Some of the buildings, like the Clock Tower, can still be seen today.

And this film marked Hume Cronyn's silver screen debut.

Why do I keep running into former District Attorneys? Tonight I saw former Los Angeles County District Attorney Ira Reiner leaving a grocery store as I was going in to do a little shopping.

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