Sunday, June 18, 2006

You Betcha

Enjoyed seeing "A Prairie Home Companion" tonight. I'm not a "fan" of the radio show, but I have listened to it a few times.

A few years ago my friend Cliff Smith, visiting from New York City, picked me up in his rental car and I was shocked to find he was listening to APHC on the car radio. It seemed so old fashioned to me.

But a couple of times since then I've been on the road on a weekend and the local NPR station is all I could get on the radio -- and I came to enjoy listening to the show.

The movie has a bit of a plot -- but it's essentially a celebration of the decades old radio show. And a bit of a meditation of the loss of variety radio shows.

Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin make it worth seeing the movie for their performances alone.
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