Friday, August 30, 2013

What's the Point?

August 6th was National Night Out and I attended the neighborhood BBQ around the corner from where I live.

As I understand it, National Night Out was started in crime-ridden neighborhoods in an attempt to "stand-up" to criminals and "take back" the streets.  Sounds good. 

But what in the world does that have to do with closing down Westmount Street and giving away free hamburgers in West Hollywood?  What a colossal waste of time and money.

Yes, I saw a few of my neighbors and I chatted up some strangers but how in any way does that make my neighborhood safer?  It was nice to see 3 city councilmembers ready to shake hands for a few minutes (West Hollywood had a total of 12 National Night Out events scattered around our tiny town.)  But again, what good does it do?

It just seems like an entrenched bureaucracy has taken this on and the reason they do it each year is because they did it last year.

The weather was nice and the free burgers from Kitchen 24 were tasty, but what a serious waste of taxpayer resources.

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